Why Choose Techovation?


Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP)
MCP refers to all individuals who have completed a Professional certification by Microsoft. The program itself is designed for employment of office environment, scientific computing and desktop/professional technicians in both repair shop and corporate engineering workshop environment.
Reference: http://www.microsoft.com/learning/en/us/certification/cert-overview.aspx

Low Voltage Contractor
A communication and low voltage contractor installs, services and maintains all types of communication and low voltage systems which are energy limited and do not exceed 91 volts. These systems include, but are not limited to telephone systems, sound systems, cable television systems, closed-circuit video systems, satellite dish antennas, instrumentation and temperature controls, and low voltage landscape lighting. Low voltage fire alarm systems are specifically not included in this section.
Reference: http://www.ca.gov/

Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP)
The Certified Business Continuity Professional is reserved for individuals who have demonstrated knowledge and working experience of greater than 2 years. They must be able to demonstrate practical experience in 5 of the subject matter areas of the Professional Practices.
Reference: https://www.drii.org/